Trainings and education

ENEA Capital Group companies seek to develop competences of its employees and adjust the scope of trainings, including highly specialized trainings to current needs and development plans of a given company. This aspect is one of the strategic areas included in the Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy of ENEA Capital Group. 

A long-term program implementation of live-line working (LLW) carried out by ENEA Operator is particularly significant from the point of view of the Capital Group of ENEA and the quality of services offered to Clients. LLW is a modern way of exploiting networks and electrical equipment. For its effective implementation a series of professional trainings for employees is required. Average number of trained personnel in ENEA Operator in relation to the LLW Training Plan is 0.99. 

"Comprehensive ENEA Management System" is another example of educational projects carried out by ENEA S.A in developing core competencies of employees. Trainings focused on the principles of project management, monitoring of key projects in the ENEA Capital Group, risk management and cost control. Participating employees after passing the exam received a certificate "Associate's Certificate in Project Management". 

English classes organized by ENEA S.A. and ENERGOBUD Leszno are among the additional educational activities directed to employees. In ENERGOBUD Leszno company 120 employees benefited from lessons in 2012. Companies, among others: ENEA S.A. ENEA Centrum and ENEA Operator also lead extensive training in first-aid for employees. 

Average number of training hours in total and broken down by gender and types of employees.

Company Average number of training hours per:
  Total employees Women Men Top management  Directors  Middle level managers  Operational employees  Office personnel 
ENEA  S.A. 56.5 53.32 60.64 0 110 64 no data 53.04
ENEA Operator 0.77 1.04 0.99 no data no data no data no data no data
ENEA Wytwarzanie  9.67 9.32 9.73 60 29.91 21.09 6.57 15.41
Elektrociepłownia Białystok  no data no data no data no data no data no data no data no data
Elektrownie Wodne  22.64 41.48 19.38 68.66 9.6 49.06 8.43 45.63
MEC Piła  11 6 12 73 54 24 11 10
PEC Oborniki 10 12 9.77 no data no data no data no data no data
BHU  10 10 10 30 20 17 27 8
Eneos 11.34 11 11.45 6 24,22 21.07 11.96 5.71
ENEA Centrum 21.96 21.42 23.59 0 21.33 51.53 no data 10.52
Energetyka Poznańska Zakład Transportu  3.25 24.75 3.74 99 0 66 3.81 18
ENERGOBUD Leszno  12* 14 10 no data  no data no data no data no data
Energomiar 15.46 11.05 17.24 40 51.2 30.5 13.01 10
NZOZ Centrum Uzdrowiskowe ENERGETYK  no data no data no data no data no data no data no data no data
ITSERWIS  14.5 4.5 10 0.2 0.82 3.08 9.22 1.18
Energo-Tour  16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
Windfarm Polska 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Hotel Edison 4 2 0 0 0 2 0 2
* Without English lessons hours for 120 employees of the company.