ENEA Capital Group
CSR Report 2012
Safety in workplace is one of the key aspects from the perspective of risk minimization and management of companies from the energy sector. ENEA Capital Group companies prioritize issues of safety and security in the workplace and apply in this regard to the provisions of applicable law. Furthermore, occupational safety and health issues are also a part of the Collective Labour Agreement (CLA).
Total number of injuries and injury rate in ENEA Capital Group in 2012
Company | Total number of injuries | Injury frequency rate * |
ENEA S.A. | 1 | 2.52 |
ENEA Operator | 45 | 8.57 |
ENEA Wytwarzanie | 4 | 1.73 |
Elektrociepłownia Białystok | 1 | 5.26 |
Elektrownie Wodne | 2 | 12.04 |
MEC Piła | 1 | 6.17 |
PEC Oborniki | 0 | 0 |
BHU | 3 | 18.07 |
Eneos | 1 | 8.40 |
ENEA Centrum | 4** | 25.48 |
ENERGOBUD Leszno | 9 | 14.75 |
Energomiar | 1 | 0.52 |
Energetyka Poznańska Zakład Transportu | 1 | 16.70 |
NZOZ Centrum Uzdrowiskowe ENERGETYK | 0 | 0 |
ITSERWIS | 1 | 11.62 |
Energo-Tour | 0 | 0 |
Hotel Edison | 1 | 45.40 |
Windfarm Polska | 0 | 0 |
Among employees of ENEA Capital Group there are no cases of occupational diseases. Still employees of some companies are highly vulnerable to accidents at work related with its nature (live-line working, operation of electrical equipment), hence the emphasis on the implementation of occupational safety and health rules in the "generation" segment companies, ENERGOBUD Leszno, Eneos or ENEA Operator. In 2012 there was one fatal accident in ENEA Operator.
Social labour inspectors are elected by employees in ENEA Capital Group. Some companies in “generation” and “distribution” segments conduct extensive projects to promote occupational safety and health rules and educate employees in this field. Employees of all companies may, among others, take part in annually organized and enjoying great popularity, multiphase OSH competition of ENEA Capital Group.
From the other hand, ENEA Operator fitters compete in the organized by the Company "Live-line working 2010+” competition. The competition is a part of the implemented since 2010, project "Live-line working 2010+", which concerns the implementation of live-line working on overhead lines, cable lines and distribution systems up to 1 kV .
In addition to the compulsory OSH trainings, the companies train employees in first-aid. ENEA Capital Group employees with instructor qualifications in this field contribute through volunteering in first-aid education.
Premedical rescue in ENEA OperatorENEA Operator pays great importance to training and education of employees in first-aid. Within the periodic OSH trainings organized by ENEA Operator also first-aid classes are held.
Premedical Rescue Teams operate in the Company. Nearly all employees of the Company (5,000 people) were trained in first-aid. Premedical Rescue Coordinators passed state examinations of Qualified First-Aid and are certified instructors to conduct training in the Company. Everyone involved in the project take part in regular trainings and various exercises, simulations and emergency manoeuvres.