
“Ensuring well-balanced human resource management" is one of the key objectives of Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy of ENEA Capital Group. In addition, employment and occupational safety and health are key aspects of ENEA Capital Group functioning, let alone training and education which are also an important aspect.

Issues related with the employment and workplace management, including occupational safety and health, are regulated by legislations such as the Labour Code and other regulations, detailed procedures and instructions of individual companies. Collective Labour Agreement (CLA) is also an important document in this respect.

Companies that manage workplace issues, including occupational safety and health, as part of the Integrated Management System are as follows: ENEA Wytwarzanie, MEC Piła, ENEA S.A. and Elektrociepłownia Białystok. Furthermore, Elektrociepłownia Białystok has implemented ISO 18001:2007 concerning management of occupational safety and health.

Employees have influence on the ENEA Capital Group management, among others :

  • by regular elections of a staff representative to the Supervisory Board of ENEA S.A
  • through elections of a staff representative on the Management Board of ENEA Operator,
  • through activities of Trade Unions operating in the entire ENEA Capital Group.  

Around 65 % employees of ENEA Wytwarzanie, 77 % employees of ENEA Operator and 43% of ENEA S.A. are united in Trade Unions.

Percentage of employees of particular companies covered by collective bargaining agreements in 2012

  Percentage of employees covered by the collective bargaining agreement 
ENEA S.A. 100%
ENEA Operator 89%
ENEA Wytwarzanie  83%
Elektrociepłownia Białystok  100%
Elektrownie Wodne  100% *
MEC Piła doesn’t apply
PEC Oborniki   97.37%**
ENERGOBUD Leszno  78%
BHU  69.32%
ENEA Centrum   no data 
Eneos 76%
Energomiar 90.55%
EP Zakład Transportu  84%
NZOZ Centrum Uzdrowiskowe ENERGETYK  doesn’t apply
ITSERWIS  doesn’t apply
Energo-Tour  100%
Windfarm Polska  doesn’t apply
Hotel Edison  no data 
* 3 people excluded from the Collective Bargaining Agreement only as regards remuneration. ** Collective Bargaining Agreement in the Company covers all employees with the exception of the Management Board.