Systems that produce energy and heat in cogeneration.
ENEA Capital Group
CSR Report 2012
Certificates of energy origin from conventional sources issued by the President of the Energy Regulatory Office.
Directive of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Parliament 2010/75/EU of 24 November 2010 on industrial emissions (the IED Directive). The Directive tightens emission standards for sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and dust from combustion plants.
A person or a group of persons interested in any of the decisions or actions of the organization. A stakeholder is anyone who influences the organization and everyone whom it affects.
A technological process of the simultaneous generation of electricity and thermal energy in the heat and power plant..
A sequence of activities or parties that provide products or services to the organization.
Renewable energy sources. It is in accordance with the provisions of the Energy Law, "a source which uses in the processing energy of wind, solar, aerothermal, geothermal, hydrothermal, wave, tidal, river fall, biomass, biogas from landfills, and the biogas produced in the process of discharge or sewage treatment or decomposition of plant and animal remains."
Acting as social labour inspector is a social service, performed by employees to ensure by workplaces safe and healthy working conditions and to protect the rights of employees as defined in the employment law. Social labour inspectors interact with the National Labour Inspectorate and other supervising and controlling working conditions authorities. Basic scope of social labour inspector is defined in the Act of 24 June 1983 on the Social Labour Inspection (Journal of Laws as at 30 June 1983).
The Act of 10 April 1997 - Energy Law (Journal of Laws of 2012, pos. 1059 and 2013, pos. 984).
It is a developed by W3C consortium a set of rules for website developers to follow in order to create a maximally accessible website, especially for persons with disabilities.
Understood as an accidents frequency ratio (A). This is the ratio of the number of accidents to the number of employees, calculated according to the formula: number of incidents divided by the total number of persons employed, multiplied by 1000.
a rate understood as the ratio of employee leaves to all employed, calculated according to the formula: number of persons who have left (in total and in a given category) divided by the total number of employees multiplied by 100.
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