Water and raw materials


All companies of ENEA Capital Group benefit from water, the natural resource. However, there is a different scale of its use. 

In its core business, the companies of “generation” segment use the biggest amount of water. As such they have the greatest impact on the water resources of Poland. In addition, they are the most responsible for protecting its quality. The main source of water supply for the companies is the urban network. 

Total water withdrawal in the companies of ENEA Capital Group [m3]  

Company 2011 2012
ENEA S.A. 5791,28 1969,31
ENEA Operator 93 327,00 111 084,70
ENEA Wytwarzanie 5 222 986,00 7 874 767,00
Elektrociepłownia Białystok 911 536,00 554 571,00
MEC Piła 5 663,00 8 417,70
Elektrownie Wodne 3 726,00 3 599,00*
PEC Oborniki 2 389,00 3 066,50
ENERGOBUD Leszno 1 090,00 2 750,00**
BHU 1 158,00 1 433,64
NZOZ Centrum Uzdrowiskowe ENERGETYK 25 800,00 30 716,00
Energo-Tour 3 523,00 3 628,00
Energomiar 839,00 1 102,00
Eneos 1 219,00 952,38
EP Zakład Transportu 715,00 675,00
ENEA Centrum no data*** no data***
ITSERWIS 936,00 498,00
Hotel EDISON 2000,00 2000,00
Windfarm Polska - no data****
* Data for Płoty, Koronowo and Jastrowie branches. No data for Poznań and Gorzów Wielkopolski branches. **Incomplete data. No data for part of facilities, due to the lack of information from the administrator of rented office spaces. ***Not applicable. Settlement based on administrative agreements with ENEA Operator and ENEA S.A. ****Not applicable. Information included in the water consumption of ENEA Wytwarzanie.

ENEA Capital Group did not record significant penalties related with the environmental impact and its management by the Company in 2012. 

Raw materials 

The vast majority of the ENEA Capital Group providers are companies operating on the Polish market. Companies have individual purchasing policies and build, in accordance with them, relations with the suppliers. Suppliers of raw materials for the generation of electricity and heat are key elements of the supply chain from the ENEA Capital Group perspective, scale of orders and environmental impact. Suppliers of “distribution” segment are also significant, including suppliers of equipment and machinery used in the implementation of new projects and renovation of the existing distribution network. 

Hard coal is the main raw material used by the "generation" segment in the ENEA Capital Group. 

ENEA Wytwarzanie consumed 4 716 370.30 tonnes of hard coal in 2012. Furthermore, Białystok CHP used 157 453 tonnes of that raw material in 2012. MEC Piła and PEC Oborniki consumed in total 42 429 tonnes of coal dust. The Capital Group expects that in the coming years hard coal consumption in ENEA Wytwarzanie shall increase. It will be the result of the planned construction of a new power unit with a capacity of 1075 MW. 

Lubelski Węgiel „Bogdanka” S.A. is the main supplier of hard coal to ENEA Wytwarzanie. It delivered about 3.3 million tonnes of that raw material in 2012. ENEA Wytwarzanie has also signed an agreement for the supply of coal from suppliers in Upper Silesia, i.e. with Katowicki Holding Węglowy S.A., Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa S.A. and KHW S.A. 

Over 90% of the hard coal supply is delivered to ENEA Wytwarzanie by rail carrier PKP Cargo S.A. 

ENEA Wytwarzanie also purchased 6985 tonnes of fuel oil in 2012. PEC Oborniki consumed 711,628 of natural gas. Liszkowo biogas power plant consumed around 28 000 tonnes of substrates for biogas production. 

Moreover, ENEA Wytwarzanie purchased 294,962.42 thousand of biomass for renewable energy generation. The Company generates energy through the combustion of biomass. These are mainly pellets and briquettes from sawdust and sunflower hulls. ENEA Wytwarzanie had contracts with 15 suppliers of biomass in 2012. 294,658.65 tonnes was consumed from the purchased biomass. Furthermore, Białystok CHP used 279,500 tonnes of biomass in 2012. 

Amount of biomass used by ENEA Wytwarzanie [Mg]

2009 2010 2011 2012
 116 736.10 176 510.70 219 302.80 294 658.65