ENEA Capital Group
CSR Report 2012
Volunteering for Mr. Smoleń Foundation in Mosina
40 volunteers from ENEA (ENEA S.A., BHU and Energomiar) has tidied up the area for the construction of educational path in May 2013 for charges of Mr. Smoleń Foundation in Mosina. ENEA S.A. has also funded the purchase of carriage adapted for wheelchairs, where people with disabilities learn how to drive a carriage.
Employee volunteering is one of the most valuable forms of support. In the course of working together volunteers, employees of the foundation and its charges learn, exchange experiences and appreciate effort put in the accomplishment of the project. Employee volunteering brings together local community, provides an opportunity to establish new business and private contacts, which may lead to a positive future.
Joanna Regulska
Foundation of Mr. Smoleń in Mosina