// $Id: googleanalytics.js,v 2010/09/19 11:39:20 hass Exp $ $(document).ready(function() { // Attach onclick event to document only and catch clicks on all elements. $(document.body).click(function(event) { // Catch only the first parent link of a clicked element. $(event.target).parents("a:first,area:first").andSelf().filter("a,area").each(function() { var ga = Drupal.settings.googleanalytics; // Expression to check for absolute internal links. var isInternal = new RegExp("^(https?):\/\/" + window.location.host, "i"); // Expression to check for special links like gotwo.module /go/* links. var isInternalSpecial = new RegExp("(\/go\/.*)$", "i"); // Expression to check for download links. var isDownload = new RegExp("\\.(" + ga.trackDownloadExtensions + ")$", "i"); // Is the clicked URL internal? if (isInternal.test(this.href)) { // Is download tracking activated and the file extension configured for download tracking? if (ga.trackDownload && isDownload.test(this.href)) { // Download link clicked. var extension = isDownload.exec(this.href); _gaq.push(["_trackEvent", "Downloads", extension[1].toUpperCase(), this.href.replace(isInternal, '')]); } else if (isInternalSpecial.test(this.href)) { // Keep the internal URL for Google Analytics website overlay intact. _gaq.push(["_trackPageview", this.href.replace(isInternal, '')]); } } else { if (ga.trackMailto && $(this).is("a[href^=mailto:],area[href^=mailto:]")) { // Mailto link clicked. _gaq.push(["_trackEvent", "Mails", "Click", this.href.substring(7)]); } else if (ga.trackOutgoing && this.href) { // External link clicked. _gaq.push(["_trackEvent", "Outgoing links", "Click", this.href]); } } }); }); });